About Magnitude Performance

What is Magnitude?

In mathematics, magnitude is the size of a mathematical object, a property which determines whether the object is larger or smaller than other objects of the same kind. More formally, an object's magnitude is the displayed result of an ordering of the class of objects to which it belongs.

Who We Are

Magnitude Performance is a design and product support company dedicated to think tank revolutions, product support, and startup brands.  With over 20 years of experience in Automotive and Racing products, we have the connections and support structure to make a dream come true or add support to a special project that needs the attention and focus it deserves.  Magnitude supports existing brands, and has several "house" brands we design and manufacture exclusively.       

What We Do

Distribution- Selling and supporting awesome brands
Advanced technical support
Premium Brands, sold, serviced, delivered.

Magnitude Products- designing and offering cool stuff
Unique ground-breaking USA made products
X-tanium- Innovation from Titanium manufacturing
Custom manufacturing

 A Mast Motorsports Company